How to Create Your Own Body Boost Blend
To Suit Your Desires
Hello gorgeous soul,
Can I ask you something before we begin?
Are you
- Working ?
- Hustling your stuff ?
- Protecting your family?
- Managing the house?
- Doing the paperwork?
- Cooking meals (as best we can) ?
- Catching up with friends ?
- Seeing your family?
Well Then………..
Women warriors who need their protective ARMOUR on, so to speak.
We need to protect ourselves, be centered, feel vital and make time to just ‘be’. To have some ‘me’ time, to look after our body to prevent illness and dis – ease.
Who has time for being sick these days !!!
(Though hanging in bed may sound appealing at times)
Women Are Warriors
So let me introduce to you my daily ritual of an aromatic blending that nourishes my body and soul, providing me
‘A Lifestyle Gem’ – an accessory that fires us up for the day’.
are Delicious
- Nourishes and rejuvenates your skin
- Strengthens your immune system
- The therapeutic effects of essential oils and vegetable oils on your body,mind, soul
- Assists with toxin release
5 steps to create a blend
What You Need
- 2-3 Essential Oils
- 1 x amber bottle 50 mls – ( from a pharmacy, health food store or bottle supply)
- Selected Carrier Oil eg Coconut fractionated Oil, Jojoba, Almond Oil
Step 1
Have your utensils lined up and ready to use
Step 2
Fill the bottle half way with your Carrier oil.
Step 3
Add 25 drops in total between the essential oils selected.
- Eg. Bergamot, Lavender, Geranium
💧 10 drops Bergamot
💧 10 drops Lavender
💧 5 drops Geranium
- A good blend for relaxation, stress and regulating hormones. Uplifting the mind. If you are only using 2 oils eg.Bergamot + Lavender
💧 15 drops Bergamot
💧 10 drops Lavender
- TIP# Keep the drops as balanced as possible to start. Keep it simple in the beginning.
Step 4
Top up the bottle with carrier oil. Place the lid on and roll the bottle between your hands, warming the oil allowing the oils to synergise together.
Step 5
Give your Aromatic blend a name – a positive affirmation e.g. Blissful Dreams
TIP# A 50 ml should cover an average body 2-3 times.
There are so many to choose from these days.
Try to select an organic, cold pressed one for your body aromatic blend.
Some I can suggest are …
Jojoba, Avocado, Hemp Seed, Evening Primrose, Castor, Rose Hip Oil.
Each have their own therapeutic values.
I will have to write more on these incredible botanical tools another time . They need their own space. I’m always learning about new ones that are showing amazing results in skin care. I can’t wait to share some of these plant oils with you.
Creating a Body Boost Blend to deal with how you want to feel, either it be energised, relaxed or playful. On a physical level, you can create a Body Boost Blend to support your detoxing routine, or after exercise to relieve sore muscles or create regenerative skin care. On a spiritual level to support you on your journey to self and self love.
And if you need any assistance deciding on Essential Oils and want to discuss further book in for a consultation
If you want to learn more about Essential Oils in my upcoming E-course The Art & Science of Essential Oils, join the waitlist and we will let you know once we next launch.
Add your name to the waitlist
If you have any comments or questions please post below or hit reply.
Love love to hear from you and hearing how I can help you more.
Much Health Happiness + love